Barre Your Best

Moving On Up: Faster and Fitter

At this stage we would also recommend you introduce Power classes to your schedule. Having already mastered some knowledge and control, your next challenge is to fast-build your stamina. Power classes are designed for just that. A more aggressive format working to advance your Barre class to the next level. There’s a class for Core, Upper Body, Cardio and Endurance training. Although the movements are less technical, the stamina requirement means that Barre knowledge is essential. Mixing all programs; Barre, Power and Express classes will allow you to maximise your training schedule and again, advance your Barre class. 2nd-Barre is the next Barre level to get your teeth into. Make sure you’re ready to push, ‘edge’ your movements further and faster, complete all your sets in perfect form every time

Your instructor will give you a nudge when it’s time for the next challenge. Open-Barre is a mixed level, larger and faster paced class. It’s a good idea to know your Barre class well as not to be distracted from your own training during class. The regime and discipline of the class remains the same with a few added challenges pushed through the exercises.