Private Training

barre 1:1, barre 2:1, express 1:1, express 2:1
Private training is a great way to fine tune your workout. A chance to iron out some of the more challenging exercises. A private session will involve working technically with your instructor watching your form and checking your muscle connections for every exercise (so expect even more pokes and prods) - there will be plenty of push (since there are only eyes for you) which will inevitably surprise you at the wonder of your own body strength and where you can take your ‘edge’.
Training at this intense level will not only reward you with results that are completely tailored to your goals but also educate you as to how your body works and connects.
If you have a focus area or and injury you are rehabing your instructor will take you through a class specific to your needs. This will also demonstrate how to step up your training in your classes and any other activity you do to match. If you are wanting to progress to the next level in class then a few 1:1 sessions can really help with building up any weaker areas to prepare you for Power classes, 2nd or even 3rd Barre!
So if you're thinking about giving it a go to add a little extra push into your routine get booked in - if the thought of your instructors undivided attention is really that scary then you can always book a Doubles:Barre and bring a friend.